

Yes, wants you to be delighted with our printing! Since monitor calibration varies, your job will run to uniform ink levels. If you find a manufacturing defect, simply contact us for return instructions including mailing address. This guarantee does not cover customer errors.

Custom Quote

Pricing/Payment Options

Absolutely! Our website maintains an SSL Certificate, validated by Digi Cert. Any confidential information gets encrypted using the latest in encryption technology.

Unfortunately, we must receive payment before any printing begins. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Don't worry, we print pretty much everything. Just place a custom quote for something that isn't listed on the website.

We accept Visa or Master Card.

Every product has its own price calculator which provides an instant quote. Please view the product you are interested in purchasing and adjust the colour option drop down menu for instant prices.

Please complete a tax-exempt certificate and send it to us BEFORE placing your order. From that point we will mark your profile as tax exempt and no tax will be collected from you. If you place your order first without being marked as tax exempt sales tax will be collected and remitted to the appropriate Province.

Yes, please email us for additional information.


We primarily ship with Canada Post, UPS and local courier.